The Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies (WGSS) program at UNC Asheville began as a minor in 1991. The major launched in 2005. We offer a boutique-style curriculum with the major requiring just four core courses (WGSS 100, Feminist Theory, Research Methods, and Senior Seminar) and a wide range of choose-your-own-adventure electives taught in various disciplines (5 required, previous courses include “Black Women Leaders,” “Philosophy of Disability,” and “From Gospel to Gaga: The History of Women in Music”). Required core classes discuss the intersectionality of identities, the interlocking systems of oppression and privilege, and the best practices for coalition across differences. Our WGSS program emerged from an activist tradition that privileges community engagement, so we encourage students toward internship experiences and support direct service partnerships with Our Voice, Blue Ridge Pride, Brother Wolf Animal Rescue, and other local nonprofits.
A WGSS major signals to future employers and graduate programs intercultural competency. The bulk of our graduates go on to graduate studies (library sciences, sociology, social work) or into nonprofit work.