Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
208 Zageir Hall, CPO 1940
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804
208 Zageir Hall, CPO 1940
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804
- Director of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies
- awray1@unca.edu
- 251-6412
- 213 Karpen Hall
- Associate Professor of French; CTL Faculty Fellow, 2023-25
- kbiers@unca.edu
- 232-2440
- 243 Whitesides Hall
- Chair & Professor of Philosophy
- mburchar@unca.edu
- 232-2990
- 236 Whitesides Hall
- Assistant Professor, Philosophy
- gcampbel@unca.edu
- 251-6312
- 241 Whitesides Hall
- Associate Professor of Health & Wellness and Athletics Mental Health Coordinator
- ljones3@unca.edu
- 251-6123
- 457 Sherrill Center
- Interim Chair of Interdisciplinary, International Studies; Sara and Joseph Breman Professor
- skapur@unca.edu
- 250-3943
- 207 Zeis Hall
- Professor of Ancient Mediterranean Studies
- smills@unca.edu
- 6296
- 122 Whitesides Hall
- Professor of History & Interim Dean of Humanities
- trizzo@unca.edu
- 251-6315
- 204 Whitesides Hall
- Department Chair and Associate Professor of Sociology
- munderhi@unca.edu
- 6976
- 206 Zageir Hall
- Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning; Professor of Religious Studies and Anthropology
- kzubko@unca.edu
- 350-4560
- 139 Zageir Hall
- Associate Professor of English
- Professor of English | Thomas Howerton Distinguished Professor of Humanities